How to make your own youtube channel 2016
How to make your own youtube channel 2016

That might not be very impressive for some of you out there, but keep in mind those numbers were achieved with no advertising dollars spent, no overhead, no expensive equipment, no experience, and no viral videos to carry the load. I personally have nearly 2 Million views and 300+ videos and growing on YouTube between my 2 previous YT Partner Channels, and many more working for employers and clients. While I admittedly made several mistakes early on in my YouTube days, I still enjoy(ed) some major financial successes as a result and learned countless valuable lessons along the way from the best in the business. While it's more competitive than ever these days, making YouTube your business, or a major focal point of your business, is still a viable option for a successful source of online revenue. We are all aware that there are many "YouTube Celebrities" that make 6-8 figure annual salaries broadcasting their vlogs, music, fitness videos, DIY guides, video game tips, beauty solutions, motivational talks, and pretty much any other niche business you can think of. Unique and high quality video content is also growing and in further demand. It's a staple for comprehensive digital marketing strategies, but it can also be a primary platform for many successful businesses. I happen to also strongly believe it has much greater monetization potential, when in the hands of the right marketer. YouTube may be "old news" to some, not as shiny and new as Snapchat or Instagram, but it can still be a game-changer. Even Facebook and Twitter have been growing much more visual each year, with video becoming more prevalent each day. Also look at the success of the almost purely visual platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Tumblr, and now TikTok.

How to make your own youtube channel 2016