She also tended to be playful, as shown by her playing hide-and-seek with her mother and being very hyperactive. She showed a curious side as she followed the wisps, despite needing to go back to the trail and seemed to believe in the legends and myths of her kingdom, highlighting her innocence and naivety. When Merida was younger, she had a close relationship with both her mother and her father. However, she also does resemble her mother in terms of stubbornness and inability to listen to others. In terms of personality, she greatly parallels and resembles her father, as the two both tend to be unruly, impulsive, and loud.

She tends to be ungraceful and has bad manners, and is extremely tomboyish. Merida also seems to be skilled in sword fighting, as shown in the Brave featurette "Cutting the Class". She is very athletic and enjoys nothing more than riding her horse Angus and practicing her archery, of which she is the best in the kingdom. Rather than being a damsel in distress who is subservient to the customs, traditions, and social restrictions her society places on her and expects her to follow, Merida openly rebels and defies her heritage as a princess and would like for nothing more than to be a normal girl.

Merida is a very brave, bold, daring, courageous, stubborn, rebellious and headstrong girl who does not fit the stereotypical princess role. The rest of the times, she wears a dark teal cotton dress, white tights and brown shoes. As a princess, she formerly wears a turquoise dress. Merida is a young Scottish princess with long, curly red hair and blue eyes.